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The comparison between solar powered LED light and conventional light is that the LED lamps have a greater lifespan and electrical efficiency that is many times better than the conventional lighting system. Beside this, LED lights are significantly much better than the most fluorescent lamps as well.
Conventional lighting is a game of yesterday due to so many vulnerabilities in it. Solar powered LED light has just left everyone speechless in order to compete with solar lighting system.
Here’s a chart we have made, this chart explain the comparison and difference between both the lighting systems. Kindly have a brief look:
Difference between Solar LED Street Lights & Conventional Street Lights:

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solar street lights - product

Initial Investment Low High, because of high cost of solar panels, battery & LED lamp.
Environment Less environment friendly, More pollution & carbon dioxide emission. More environment friendly, No emission of gases or pollution.
Running & Maintenance Cost High. Electricity cost is more expensive. Low. Almost free as it uses solar light from the sun.
Safety Low. Since there are wires involved,there can be a risk of short circuit or other accidents. High, since no wires are associated.

For everyone, using the solar power LED street lights, here are few great advantages which you can also tell your friends and other family relatives so that they can also think of going green and providing benefit to the environment as well.

The Advantages of Using Solar Street Lights:

1) Low Cost – Since solar lights use light from the sun for its operation, it is independent of the power grid. The cost is much lower as compared to electricity costs.

2) Clean and Green – The solar lights are an environment friendly way of lighting up the streets. They use clean energy from the sun for their working, hence there is no pollution and more energy saving.

3) Safe – Unlike the conventional street lights, there are no wires associated with the solar street lights and so there is less risk of accidents.

4) Low Maintenance – The maintenance associated with solar lights are very less as compared to the other street lights.

If you need more information please, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our staff will be glad to help you in any your requirements.

Scientific facts:

  1. Scientists at the Lawrence Berkley Laboratory (LBL) developed the concept of scotopic lumens. They developed a factor called P/S ratio. This ratio helps convert traditional Lumens into actual lumens perceived by the eye under mesopic light conditions and gives a more accurate estimate of the amount of light.
  2. Pupil Lumens = Photopic Lumens * [/fusion_builder_column][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][S/P] 0.78
  3. Here are some types of lights with their traditional and pupil lumens
Source of Light Watt Lumens Lumens/Watt (Photopic Lumens) S/P Ratio (correction factor) Pupil Lumens Pupil Lumens/Watt
Low Pressure Sodium 250 32500 130 0.2 9250 37
High Pressure Sodium 365 37000 101 0.62 25530 70
Metal Halide 455 36000 79 1.49 48960 108
T8 Fluorescent (3000 K) 36 2800 78 1.13 3080 85
LED Light 15 1500 100 1.9 2475 165

Led wattage


Some Examples

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110W HPS system

110W HPS system

6935 lumens Color temperature : 2000K (Yellow)

250W HPS system

250W HPS system

21000 lumens Color temperature : 2000K (Yellow)

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30W LED system

30W LED system

2880 lumens Color temperature : 6500K (Pure white)

60W LED system

60W LED system

6240 lumens Color temperature : 6500K (Pure white)


Lumen output is not the only parameter that should be taken into account when replacing HPS fixtures with LED fixtures.

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